Translating Christianity
A Colloquium
Wednesday 28 May 2008
Hosted by the School of Languages, Cultures & Religions (SLCR)
of the University of Stirling
Contact: Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar
This research colloquium focuses on issues of translation and particularly, the translation of texts, practices and concepts identified as Christian, from one language and (sub)culture into another, reflecting an interest in translation both in its linguistic and in its socio-cultural sense. Apart from written texts reflections on other genres, such as dramatic and ritual performances, visual representations and oral traditions are welcome.
To entertain multiple perspectives and methodological approaches (religious studies, history, languages studies & linguistics, anthropology, literary and gender studies) in addressing the issue of how cultural contents such as religious canons, beliefs and/or practices found in mainstream, dominant, elite sectors of society both change and are changed in the process of translation into minority, marginalised or subaltern contexts.
Brian Murdoch
The Apocryphal Adam
Kerstin Pfeiffer
Staged Interpretations: Exegesis and the Question of Representation in Late Medieval Drama
Stephen Penn
John Wyclif and the Meaning of Veritas in Scholastic Exegesis
Nara Improta Franca
The Translation of the Bible into the Yoruba Language – the Concept of ‘Nation’ and ‘Nationality’
Fiona Darroch
Rastafarian ‘Translations’ of the King James Bible
Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Saénz
The Construction of Chipaya Origins – Interlacing Andean and Christian Beliefs
Alison Jasper
Virgen María: ‘The Holy Translator of God’s Desires to Women’
Christine Lindner
The Use of Evangelical Literature and Revival Narratives by Protestant Women in Ottoman Syria during the Mid-nineteenth Century
Michael Marten
Locating Metropoles and Peripheries
David Bebbington
Translating Evangelical Christianity in the Modern World
Tim Fitzgerald
Protestant Mission Strategies in Mexico and Vietnam: Religion, Secular and Profane as Categories